Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tiniest tomatoes

As we near the end of tomato season (the temp will be dipping down to the 30s tomorrow night), I must say that this year has been a disappointing one in the garden. My cool weather kale and peas were attacked by bugs, the broccoli and Brussels didn't fare well in the hot spring, the and my tomatoes were few and tardy.

One nice exception was a prolific container tomato plant on my porch.  
I planted a new variety of tomato this year- the 'currant' tomato. How cute are these tiny guys? The blueberry gives you an idea of what size they are. 

These were fun to pick and find in the branches. Little Bear wanted to try them several times despite eschewing tomatoes in general because they just look like candy. I happen to think they were delicious, too- we even made fresh salsa from them. 

I planted them in the container on the porch because they are a different species from the other tomatoes I have and i wanted to avoid cross- pollination. 

These are an heirloom variety, so I'll be saving seeds to plant again next year! 

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